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For some, doing exercise is a form of escape. You let your mind go elsewhere whilst doing that 10th burpee.


At Present Pilates, we want you to connect with your body and be present in the moment.


Leave your worries elsewhere and for an hour, be aware of your movements and notice how your body feels.

Woman lying semi-supine pilates bridge

Present Pilates is a gift you give to yourself. That one hour where you can have some me-time, indulge in self-care and look after your wellbeing.


Thanks ... for yesterday’s taster session. I really enjoyed it! I’ve attended Pilates classes in the past but have often found them intimidatingly ‘advanced’ - fast paced, many repetitions, difficult to achieve - despite being billed as beginners’ level. Yesterday I felt as though I had time to really tune into what I was actually doing and this morning I can feel lots of muscle groups so I was definitely working!

Rachael, Sydenham, London


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